We ended our trip with a bang in one of the trendiest capitals in the world. Clearly, this was the place for us, being Glamazons and all.
Lyle had shown us a FABULOUS time in Kurabuchi and it was really nice to get a taste of what living in Japan is like and not just passing through as a tourist. It’s also been really nice to see things in a new light as my trip here 10 years ago with Mom and Abby was a bit different… though the trains, subways, and vending machines are still the same and I’m still the largest person in the country. Seriously, next travels I am headed to big people land where I won’t feel like la giante!
At 5:30 in the morning, we stood waiting in the snapping cold for the local train to Tokyo. True to form, I slept the whole way and it seemed like a 2-minute trip. Lyle rousted me and we were off, stashing our bags in lockers and breathing the crisp city air.
The reason we’d left so early was to see the Emperor on his birthday, the big 7-5! It’s a big deal each year and everyone lines up to wave paper flags and yell Banzai. And we did, with flair! The man himself came out (behind bullet proof glass) and reassured the crowd that his health was fine and wished everyone well. The best part for me was the walk you have to take through the grounds. We passed by countless manicured lawns and even his personal volleyball court. At one point, the imperial grounds in Tokyo we valued at a higher price than all California real estate combined. BANZAI!
Japan is cold this time of year, like snow cold. I’ve been in socks and sandals for 8 days now and am over the shame of it. Have moved on to just seeking warmth. Hats are a MUST and these tiny little girls who scamper around in micro-mini skirts and 4-inch heel boots baffle me.
We checked into the hostel, which was an experience in itself. The office is about half a kilometer from the actual bunk beds and after we’d finally made it, we took a time out for a few hours. Walked around the rest of the afternoon and popped into an alley for some bowling. Yes, bowling.
The next day saw an early start at the Tokyo fish market; the largest in the world. Weird stuff and crazy cart traffic made it quite the experience. Somehow I don’t think my experience on the boat will be that glamorous. We did get to see huge tunas getting jig-sawed up. Puffer fish, eels, giant squid, octopus, and sole are just a few of the specimens they sell daily.
That afternoon we were off to the National Nature and Science Museum, which was AMAZING! I could spend two solid days there and still not see everything. The evolution of Japan is particular as it is, in fact, an island.
Then we hit the karaoke bar. All you can drink and sing for an hour. I am SO not a fan of karaoke. Visions of cigarette smoke filled lounges, cocktail dresses and dirty old men danced in my head but this was totally unexpected. It’s a room you reserve with your friends with nothing in it but a tv, song box and phone to call for more drinks. Totally private and totally hilarious! Not sure yet if we’re posting a video, they’re pretty priceless.
Up this morning and Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Annie! Had some Krispy Kremes and all you can eat pizza for lunch. Can you tell we’re easing our way back into the US? Waiting in the airport lounge now, typing on wireless internet and drinking keg beer. Happy Holidays all, stay tuned for final thoughts!